Infinity's Timeline
Each of our lives is filled with contradictions, soldiers and starlets, solid advice and sneering fun, cold facts and outrageous opinions. I share the beauty and the truth, the sweet and the nasty, because I know that genius lives in that slim margin of in-between. The slim margin where a prophet and a scoundrel meet, get drunk and learn a thing or two before the chairs start flying. I'm the one person that urges people in my life to get up early and daring them to stay out late, engrossing them with unforgettable stories and distracting the with amazing pictures that I hope they'll remember forever.
When my friends and family are lying on their deathbed- and yes, every single person must eventually bite the dust someday- these individuals who were closest to me will no doubt be visited by a lifetime of important memories: episodes of triumph and struggle; moments of deep compassion and spiritual clarity. Whether the setting of their deathbed is a poolside lounge chair in Palm Springs, an overcrowded hospital in Europe, a park bench in Brooklyn, or the edge of this very world; I want to be on the amazing highlight reel of memories that flash.
A human's memory is a tricky thing. We cram so many billions of sounds and sights and smells into these brains of ours that it's impossible to predict just what we'll remember in the end. Who am I? I am a gentle, yet passionate soul that just wants to be remembered.